Purpose Path coaching: “Here’s what it can do for you, too”

Answer me this: What’s the point of being in a leadership position that affords you the chance to make a difference if it does not matter to you that much?

I’ll give you my answer, there’s not. 

The past couple of weeks I’ve discussed the Great Resignation and how it is changing the professional world for everyone, and I’ve shared the way I realized my purpose and used it to help others. This week I want to tell you about Stacy, a wonderful human who is working to put their purpose to work by using The Purpose Path. 

In my last article, I shared how I decided to create The Purpose Path. 

The Purpose Path was created out of a strategy I embodied which landed me the roles I knew I needed to be in. Of course, at the time I didn’t realize I was doing that. It took me taking a step back and looking at the road I took to get where I was. But I am forever grateful I did because I’ve been able to duplicate this proven process for many others to reach their optimum, purposeful success while living a personal life that matters to them.

Stacy decided to give The Purpose Path a try. 

Stacy felt like it was time for a career change. And when she left the organization she led for 10 years, she found herself limited in the job search. She kept returning to roles similar to the job she just left, or a myriad of consulting jobs that would allow her to work for herself.

She still wanted to spend time with her family and to do other things in life, but still have a role in the world that made a difference. 

With The Purpose Path laid out, Stacy saw that she didn’t have to make a choice. She could have her life, and the things that she loved about it, while also contributing to the world she lived in. 

It took her about 6 months of brainstorming and dedication to see her place in the world. And in the process, her job searching experience went from resistance and anxiety to confidence and purpose. 

I was so proud to see how Stacy determined her strengths through The Purpose Path. 

I am driven to help leaders discover what they are passionate about, why they have chosen this path, and how they can make a difference with it. It also makes me happy to see leaders live their purpose and still have the life they want at home.

Helping others, like yourself, is a way I can fulfill my purpose by creating a wave of positive impact. 

Let’s talk and see how you can benefit from The Purpose Path. Together we can reconnect you with your personal why so you can take smart action to fill the world with your vision and be inspired and happy doing it. 

Your dream change for your world doesn’t have to be a dream forever. It can be our world’s new reality. 


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