Stop Doing the Typical Job Search

There’s a shift happening that you can’t control — a shift that’s giving you more opportunity than you ever thought was possible. Maybe you didn’t see an opportunity before, but since the pandemic, you realize that things in your profession/job can be different for you. 

Many leaders want to explore new work that is fulfilling & purpose-driven. Maybe they want a change they did not think they could handle before or maybe they are making a change in the world, just not the change that is most important to them. 

But new opportunities, new paths require a new job search approach. 

Let’s talk about the old way of doing things: You’ve been cultured into thinking that you need to pursue work and employment in a certain way.

You’ve been told that the path is the only way and that you must apply to jobs that appear on your job search engine or that your professional friends suggest, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.

The fact is that leaders are living in a different world and must start exploring for jobs differently. People need more purpose, more freedom, more impact in their jobs. 

So, how should you as a leader be getting jobs differently?

Ask yourself these set of questions and let the answers put you in the driver's seat of your next career move.    What is my purpose? What are my dream organizations? w  How can I be happy working in my strengths? Who can I talk to to help? 

So instead of applying to jobs like throwing darts on a board, it goes like this: 

You reverse engineer your job search. You understand your purpose and why it matters to you. You internalize your greatest strengths, or as I like to call it your Zone of Brilliance.  You set your sites on some ideal organizations and jobs and you get to work reaching out to the people in your network who can get you in front of those organizations.  Armed with clarity about what you care about, why it matters to you and how effective you truly are, the next career move is yours to take!

I call this method The Purpose Path, and it’s the path you take when you want to bring YOUR change to the world.

The pandemic has done one thing right: showed each one of us how important it is to use the time, talents, and convictions we have to bring about a positive impact to the world in all the work we do.

And realistically, even without a pandemic, every single day is uncertain. 

The truth is if you’re wanting to have some kind of certainty in life, you have to make your job search more intentional and grounded in your purpose. The actions you take are the only things you can control. 

Why not be in a place that you’re passionate about? That you wake up every day and know that you undoubtedly make a difference. That it’s worth getting out of bed, that it’s worth your time, effort, and contributions. 

Don’t wait for the next seismic shift in the next 10 years because you were too afraid to act now. Making transitions can be one of the scariest times in your life, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Keep your life centered enough to make sound decisions. Choose careers that continue to cultivate, and don’t forget to go forward with purpose.  Ready to talk about it? Schedule a free session today!


Why I never had to apply for a job


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