Is This Photo Real Or Not?: What AI Means for Changemaking Leaders

AI is making an indelible mark on today’s workplaces. For me, being one of those older folks who doesn’t quite "get" the younger generation and their technology is a concern. I never want to be someone who scoffs at those "whippersnappers" and their newfangled ideas and gadgets. So when AI started to take the world by storm, I knew I had to try it out.

One particular website promised new headshots, courtesy of AI. It was free and only took five minutes to use. Out of the 300 photos generated, about 280 missed the mark, but about 20 of them worked, including the one that’s my current LinkedIn profile picture. This is just a single example of how leaning into AI can be a game-changer for your organization.

Here’s some real talk: mission-driven organizations are often late to the party when it comes to new technology. This time around, let’s not be late. Instead, let’s explore how AI can streamline your workflow and maximize your time without replacing any of your valuable team members. After all, isn’t innovation at the core of being a changemaker? I’ll also share links to various articles that offer AI tools specific to nonprofit organizations’ needs.

What is changemaking leadership, and how can AI support it?

Changemakers are empathetic leaders with a genuine desire to improve the world. They are relentless in their efforts to make a positive difference. Their defining characteristics include curiosity, resourcefulness, and—you bet—innovation. They are willing to stand up, speak up, and be bold. (Sound like you? It should, because my readers are changemakers!)

While AI can support the work of leaders like you, it can’t replace the need for human intuition, empathy, and decision-making. It can generate hundreds of headshots in five minutes, but it’s not privy to the nuances that determine which images will make the shortlist and which will end up in the reject pile. AI simply accelerates your ability to innovate.

Given the limited resources of so many mission-driven organizations, AI can unlock efficiency like never before. This means that you can step away from busywork and focus on your most important work—the work that will make a long lasting and sustainable impact. AI can help you get out of your own way so you can create your legacy.

9 ways to work smarter with AI

The work of changemakers like you has a specific, dramatic, noticeable outcome. Your time is too valuable for you to be working against yourself. Here are nine areas of AI you can leverage to further your mission, drive operational efficiency, and make informed decisions, complete with links to AI tools as they relate to each area.


1. Data analysis: Stop scrolling through spreadsheets and let AI analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns, and generate insights for you. This can help you better understand your organization’s progress and identify opportunities for improvement backed by data. Consider a scenario where your government organization manages a public transportation system. With AI-driven data analysis, you can transform the way you optimize routes, schedules, and resource allocation to enhance the overall commuter experience.

Result: Make quick and efficient data-driven decisions about where to apply more resources.

2. Customer service: Automate routine tasks so you can focus on your mission. For example, AI chatbots can handle basic service inquiries like helping those you service reset their password, access the communication you have sent them, and ask questions about volunteer and event opportunities.

Result: Your stakeholders, clients, and board members have immediate access to the information you need to have readily available without taking up your time to provide it.

3. Compliance document tracking: Nonprofits must often maintain and track various compliance documents, such as tax exemption certificates, board meeting minutes, and financial reports. AI-powered document processing systems can automatically organize and categorize these documents, ensuring they are up-to-date and easily accessible when needed.

Result: Free up your time and your staff’s time to handle more complex responsibilities.


4. Predictive analytics: Predict trends, donor behaviors, and the potential outcome of various strategies with AI-generated insights. This way, instead of playing the guessing game, you can anticipate future needs and interests of those whose support you are attempting to garner.

Result: Choose the right strategy for your next fundraising campaign that will drive the most significant outcome.

5. Social media analysis: Use AI to analyze social media data so you can identify trends, sentiments, and even potential influencer partners For example, if your nonprofit organization is focused on improving literacy rates in your city, you could ask the AI tool to provide you with a list of the top 10 social media influencers who are also passionate about this cause.

Result: Increase your organization’s online reach.

6. Fundraising management: Identify potential donors, predict their giving capacity and likelihood to donate, and suggest the best ways to engage them— all using AI.

Result: Save a ton of time scouring the internet to compile a prospect database, and spend those precious hours building and cultivating the funder relationships. Plus, fill your pipeline with new potential donors!

Stakeholder Management

7. Personalization: Your team, donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders want personalized experiences. AI can help you deliver, increasing your engagement and making your communications more effective. Personalization can help nonprofits engage with supporters and advocates in a more meaningful way. By tailoring messages, calls to action, and engagement opportunities to specific interests and motivations, organizations can foster a sense of connection and relevance.

Result: This can lead to increased advocacy, higher participation rates, and a stronger community of supporters.

8. Impact measurement: Track and measure your organization’s social impact more accurately and in real-time with AI.

Result: Compile powerful annual reports and other communications that demonstrate your effectiveness to the community, donors, and other key stakeholders.

9. Volunteer management: Match volunteers with opportunities that suit their skills and interests by leveraging AI.

Result: Improve the volunteer experience and make volunteer management more efficient.

Make your bold vision a reality

It’s easy to get distracted by the day-to-day demands of your role and lose sight of the work that will bring your vision to life. Our goal is to help high-impact leaders like you achieve big and ambitious organizational goals while being happy and true to yourself. Are you ready to get started? Schedule a call to find out how my coaching support program, The Changemaker, can help.


Strategic Relationship Building


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